What the Press Says
On our cover renowned artist Jacqueline Ripstein. She has broken with the established schools & far away from Abstract Art, into her need to bring back the importance of Art into a new expression, where art will be used as a Healing Tool, to use it as one of the instruments used by the New Era , as well as a new movement called HueManIsm.
IberoAmericana Magazine
Creadora de la técnica invisible es; la primera Artista invitada a raíz del Sefarad ’92. Expone en toledo del 14 de Abril 30 Abril. Profundamente mística, su pintura refleja la necesidad que ella tiene de clamar y luchar por un retorno a los valores humanos y a la conciencia espiritual a través del Arte….
There are live Artists in South Florida, who have great potential & one or two who have done neo-classic work. But there is almost no voice speaking for this artist’s…Cosmic chess Game by Aventura artist Jacqueline Ripstein….
The Sun Post
Through Ripstein Art ,you will feel an encounter –a challenge…each painting acts as a mirror , reflecting visions of your soul you were curious to see….I consider her work like a cross between Michelangelo and Salvador Dali and there will come a time when her work will be priceless.
Art Expressions Magazine
Como Gustavo Dore y otros ilustres dibujantes, ha puesto sus ojos en paginas inmortales, se ha internado en sus reflexiones volviéndose viajera de los desiertos de la humanidad, Jacqueline trabaja, dibuja, pinta, ilumina con una paleta enriquecida por la cálida pasión sensual amorosa de los colores intensos y de este modo va entregando en cada obra su testimonio: Verbo elocuente y vigoroso de un modo de pensar y de una categórica manera de sentenciar los equívocos de los hombres en forma precisa y preciosa.
Voces Esteticas II
I consider Jacqueline’s work, like a cross between Michelangelo and Salvador Dali.
Art Expressions Magazine
A Symbolic/surrealist painter, her preoccupation with the plight of mankind is the dominant theme in all her paintings. She conveys meaningful messages about life and man’s existence on earth, exploring human nature and our range of emotions: love, hate, greed, ambition, envy, and cowardice. Each painting begins with her search for the Light of God, a search she believes all of us must explore internally.
Haut Décor Magazine
“Jackie’s paintings are nothing less than phenomenal,” remarks Mitch Fine, president of the Judith Norman Collection. “Everybody who sees them is deeply affected in their own personal way. She is passionate about touching as many people as she can with her art in order to wake them up to the destruction of our society.
View on Design
Miami-Jacqueline Ripstein, an accomplished surreal and symbolic artist, has developed “invisible art,” an innovative technique that allows the artist to explore beyond what is visually obvious in an oil painting through the use of special pigments
Santa Fe New Magazine
Bertha Taracena from Mexico and member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA) tells us that “Jacqueline’s work, the liberty of ideals, is based on liberty of execution and at the same time, allows admiration of this artistic language, through the mastery of the brush, the colorful accuracy and the great spiritual richness of this visionary who has created an original form of art expression.”
The History of Civilization